Sunday, December 12, 2010

The absurdest of things make perfect sense in the bathroom.

Your shower is an umbrella that rains. Inside you will find the first raindrops, leaking out of a tired mouth.
Pick out a toothbrush, any you like, and brush finely, and there still will be molecules of toothpaste that have remained since the last time you brushed. Mmm. Tastes oddly sweet. Must consider this for dessert.
Picking up your feet carefully off the ground, you sometimes wait till all the rain has soaked into the ground before you place your foot forward. That's very sensitive. We all have groundwater issues, don't we?
Heaped sand in corners looks tidy, and when it's wet it slips into the drain tries to get back to the ocean. Sweep it up clean. Let it go now. You've kept her for too long.
Oh look, fingertips are shriveled now. I told you not to soak the raisins for too long.
Th velcro towel is pulling the dreams out of my hair, and I can't do a thing.
Will my mind be empty and my head bald before I die?
Look into your shower for the last time, and hold the last drop there.

And now you want your bath back.

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